Laver Close, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG5 7LS

01159 560990

Coppice Farm Primary School

A small school with a HUGE heart!


Geography Lead- Miss B Sharp

Geography is a valued part of a broad and enriched curriculum, which inspires children to be curious and appreciative about the world around them. The subject explores the relationship between the Earth and its people through the study of place, space and environment. Through high-quality lessons, pupils learn about their own locality, whilst becoming aware of and developing knowledge and understanding of the world beyond their own environment.


The intent for our geography curriculum is to ensure that children build up a progressive knowledge of their local area and the wider world around them. Geography does not only look at the locality of places but also the people, places and environments we have on Planet Earth,

The aims of geography are:

  • To inspire children to develop curiosity and wonder about the natural world around them.
  • To provide pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments.
  • To develop children’s investigational skills, both academically and practically to ensure the transference of skills learnt in the classroom.
  • To Increase pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the different communities and cultures within our local area and the wider world and to understand how these all relate to one another whilst fostering respectful attitudes to this.
  • To develop pupils’ competence in specific geographical skills (such as use of maps, secondary sources, ICT, aerial photographs, data logging equipment and considering evidence from a range of sources).




We teach the National Curriculum, supported by a clear skills and knowledge progression. This ensures that skills and knowledge are built on year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children.

Existing knowledge is checked at the start of each new topic to ensure teaching is suited for each individual child and takes account of pupil voice. Lessons are engaging and interactive and we immersive children into the practical skills of geography too by using appropriate equipment.

We have extensive grounds and use these when looking at skills such as fieldwork and orienteering. It is important that children develop the skills of a geographer by fully immersing them in all areas of the subject. This gives children an understanding of life outside of their locality. 


The impact on children's learning will be:

  • To have a good knowledge of where places are and what they are like.
  • To have a good level of understanding of how places and people are connected to one another. 
  • To have a range of geographical vocabulary that children can use confidently. 
  • To conduct a geographical enquiry which includes the use of questioning skills and effective analytical skills. 

Teachers will assess children’s work in geography by making assessments as they observe them working during lessons. They record the progress that children make by assessing the children’s work against the learning objectives from the national curriculum.